Are you ready to make 2014 your most profitable year EVER?

Then it’s time to invest in some new habits and routines, and focus on the art of deliberate practice.


Are you wondering what habit and routine have to do with profit?


Listen, it’s pretty simple.

Can you make the same amount of money you are today with doing just a fraction of the work? Can you make loads more?

Yes, my friend, it is quite possible.

But first you have to examine your habits and routines, and save ONLY the ones that are truly serving your needs.

Are you spending lots of time browsing properties that you don’t buy?

Are you doing work that you could outsource to free yourself up?

Are you reading too much instead of taking any action?

Are you spending lots of time and energy on marketing that doesn’t generate results?

Good things that are essential for your business – buying, working, marketing, reading – can easily become a burden on your time.

If you enjoy them, great! Keep on spending your time doing what you love.

Just don’t expect it to bring you profit – it will just occupy your time.

If you’re like most people, you’re not actually operating off of a business plan.

Most people haven’t taken the time to develop a core strategy or really honed in on the exact focus of their business – the piece that earns them the most profit.

What’s the most profitable part of your business?

If you’re not sure, than break down the ways that you’re spending your time, and compare it to the money that those activities are earning you right now.

If your work habits are not earning you any money, either consider them hobbies or stop doing them. Too often people think that they have to do this, that or the other thing – when in reality, there’s absolutely no one forcing them to do anything.

On the other hand, if you can identify the most profitable 5 hours of your week and focus on improvement, you can easily double your profit this year.

There’s two easy ways to double your profit:

1 – Make yourself twice as effective with deliberate practice. This is the technique that professional athletes and musicians use to increase their performance. It requires a careful examination of your most important skills and finding ways to breakthrough to new levels. A great coach, teacher or mentor can be really helpful by bringing a healthy, critical perspective.

2 – Spend twice as long doing what’s most important. This is so obvious that most people miss it entirely. Seriously, if you take the time to figure out the most profitable 5 hours of your week and double those efforts, you’ll reap the rewards.

It’s about choice and consequence.

If you choose to avoid making a plan, you’ll suffer the consequences.

If you choose to create a rock solid long-term strategy for building independent wealth (like the ones we teach with REI Brain), you just might find that 2014 is your most profitable year ever.

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About reibrain

Hey, my name is Trevor and I'm the founder of The REI Brain and editor/contributor. I started investing in real es.tate when I was 21... and love entrepreneurship, the internet, and real estate. My main focus today is growing my companies, systemizing my businesses so I can work less and make more, and spend more time with my family. Learn more about me at


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