Inspirational Video Encourages Taking Care of Your Mind

How do you start your morning?

Do you jump out of bed all perky and ready to start your day? Or do you hit the snooze alarm 5 times and mumble and grumble on your way to the shower?

Achieving business success – and overall happiness in your life – will be easier if you take care of your emotional, mental and spiritual needs every single day.

Now, before you mutter at me under your breath about how little time you already have and you can’t possibly commit to any kind of spiritual program, you should watch this 8 minute video (or at least listen to it while you get the kids their breakfast). And understand that it doesn’t take a lengthy commitment of weeks or months to ease your stressed out mind…it only takes 5 minutes a day.

Vishen Lakhiani of Finer Minds explains that it ISN’T normal to be stressed out or angry throughout your day and if you find just 5 minutes of quiet to calm your mind each day you’ll be a happier and healthier person.

Would you go about your day without your coffee or shower? Well, you shouldn’t go about your day without calming your mind and getting in tune with what’s happening in your life and your business.

Try one or some of the following methods to get yourself grounded and excited about life:

  • write in a gratitude journal
  • meditate
  • pray
  • practice yoga

Or find your own way to center your body and release your stress. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the video and what you do to calm your mind. Leave a comment below to share your story!

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About reibrain

Hey, my name is Trevor and I'm the founder of The REI Brain and editor/contributor. I started investing in real es.tate when I was 21... and love entrepreneurship, the internet, and real estate. My main focus today is growing my companies, systemizing my businesses so I can work less and make more, and spend more time with my family. Learn more about me at

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