Simple Tasks That Will Protect Your RE Investment Properties

You don’t have to wait for spring to do some “spring cleaning” on your RE investment properties. Instead, keep up with these tasks on a regular basis and you’ll ensure your property stays in tip-top shape and your valuable investment is protected.

Clean the Gutters. Even quality guttering can get filled with leaves, branches and other debris. Even with gutter guards, it’s a good idea to look them over once or twice a year to ensure there are no leaks and all is working as it should. If needed, clean the gutters to ensure they’re functioning properly and if you don’t have them, consider installing gutter guards. At around $10 a linear foot, the added protection for your roof can be well worth the cost.

Check the batteries. Whether it’s in smoke alarms, motion detectors, carbon monoxide monitors or any other battery operated device in the property, check and change the batteries frequently. If your devices are several years old, consider replacing them with newer, updated models. And be sure each one is working as intended. It’s a terrible feeling to have a property destroyed by fire when new batteries could have prevented a loss.

Change necessary filters. Not only do your HVAC filters need to be changed frequently, but there may be other filters in the property to consider as well. Check the water filters in the refrigerator or filters on other devices as applicable. Filters are designed to protect against damage caused by dirt and unwanted particles so changing them can make appliances and HVAC units last longer and work better.

Inspect the foundation. Depending on how the property is situated, you may have to check the foundation frequently to ensure water isn’t damaging the home. While properties in some areas won’t be at risk, others, especially those with a negative grade to the property can be damaged by waters during certain seasons each year. If needed, build the foundation up so water flows away from the property and be sure your foundation is as safe as you can make it to protect your RE investment.

Weatherproof your property. Check the seals on windows and doors to ensure they’re working properly. If needed, ask your utility company to do an audit of the home to help you discover any hidden leaks and then get them repaired quickly. A little bit of weatherproofing can go a long way in helping your HVAC unit work more efficiently, not to mention the cost and energy savings you get in return for a small investment and a little labor.

Keeping your real estate in good shape and well-maintained can go a long way in protecting your investment and adding to the value of any property you own whether as part of your REI business or for your own personal use.

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About reibrain

Hey, my name is Trevor and I'm the founder of The REI Brain and editor/contributor. I started investing in real es.tate when I was 21... and love entrepreneurship, the internet, and real estate. My main focus today is growing my companies, systemizing my businesses so I can work less and make more, and spend more time with my family. Learn more about me at

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